11:07 PM | Author: Tia
Silence too loud for words.
My fears they are all yours.
God give me peace for the days to come.
Give me your wisdom of battles won.
Love casts out all fear.
I feel so calm with you hear.
You have lifted the veil,
and now we are free.
It's your life, your will, my destiny.
Lord let me not fear,
for your love has cast it away.
By my side I know you remain.
Your perfect love casts out all fear.
When I wander far,
I know you are there.
Lord my fear of man I cannot bear.
Your perfect love casts out all fear.
Just remind me of that, and that you are near.
Luke 6: 30-36... Love and Compassion
10:29 PM | Author: Tia
You hear almost every other time you're in church, "Love the unlovable."
You are supposed to love the least of these, that's what Jesus did.
Love the unlovable.....
God put this on my heart before almost a year ago, and he has put it on my heart again tonight and I know its for a vary good reason.

Tonight I was doing security for the High School Youth Group at my church, and it all really started before YG. I was in the foyer with some of my friends and we were talking a observing the kids that were in there. About 2 or 3 of my friends notice this one girl, she is kind of a part of the "rowdy crowd" at YG. My friends that see her notice how she is dressed, she was wearing what most would consider inappropriate for church.( Booty shorts) They all make some sort of comment on how she is dressed inappropriately, kind of judging her for what she is wearing.... Just to let you all know I have done that before too, looked at someone and judged them by what they are wearing. Its not something to be proud of, but I might as well be honest.... Anyways later that night during worship there was a boy slapping a girl in the face, he said he was just playing around. But really, not a good thing to do. The girl turned out to be the one in the foyer that all of my friends noticed. After YG Todd (the youth pastor) talked to that girl.....From what I know she has a pretty sad story. This girl just turned 14 and she looks about 18 or 19. She has piercing and tattoos. She really has no rules that she has to follow in her house. Her dad has passed away, mom has a new boyfriend, she really has no one but friends.... Her mom even told her she would make a great cocktail waitress and knows a place she could work. But this girl doesn't want to do that, she doesn't know exactly what she wants to do but she knows its not that.

I guess I'm just kind of disgusted at how people are so quick to assume and judge others without knowing anything about them.... But again, I'm not discounting myself because I have done that before. And I'm not trying to say that this girl is unlovable, that's not it at all. But what I guess I am trying to say is that she needs us to come up beside her and let her know that there are people who care and will love her. Let her know she has brothers and sisters in Christ. Let her know we wont judge her for what she has done or what she wears, just love and accept her where she is at... I don't know her name, but I am determined that if she comes back next week I will find it out. I really want to share with her the love of God and how great it is.

We are made in the image of God... And God is love... So therefore we are love, or at least to be love, right?